We understand architecture much more as an interior experience. Our quest for interior-
exterior continuity depends on the dialogue between the architectural object and its
finishes and furniture.
The fact that any building’s usage happens inside, makes interior design just as
important as architecture itself. Our teams start working together at the very early
stages of each project, carefully conceiving an aesthetic language that is present on
every detail. Simple elements that make a building functional like electrical and
plumbing outlets or door knobs and handles are very present during the perception of
space and therefore play a key role on interior design.
This how the functionality of interior space often makes important changes to early
architectural sketches: the need for lightness or darkness, the need for privacy or
transparency, even the way surfaces resist weather inside or outside the building
describe some of the tasks that go beyond choosing an ideal location for an accent wall
or matching dining and living areas, as most people think of interior design.