Minimizing the contrast between a building’s interior and exterior texture is common practice in the studio, often leading to the design of both stand-alone and fixed furniture pieces for our projects. Understanding each location’s resources and techniques is the initial approach to any furniture design we undertake, analyzing the properties of wood through local and even indigenous culture’s methods always results in a more efficient and durable as much as a more attractive look.

The pursuit of sustainable practices in the furniture industry is widespread nowadays. The environmental impact of any consumable item is evaluated by more users as time moves forward, we try to minimize the impact of our architecture by introducing unused and reused materials or pieces from our construction sites into the furniture and carpentry workshops.

We find the value on any wastage. No matter the quantity of the leftovers, there’s always something to do with them, it can be something as simple as making a table-top out of the concrete left from a large pouring day, treating wood that was used as formwork to be able to make shelves, or either using small pieces of rebar as frame for seating prototypes.